
Salma Sky – Zambezi feat Kaakie + Adi Virgo [Audio]

Salma Sky - Zambezi feat Kaakie + Adi Virgo [Audio]

7 Responses

  1. Helly says:

    Amazing track

  2. DjMukaGallisZambia says:

    loving the chuune

  3. Kelly moon says:

    Salma sky you have always made me proactive with your gold god good music

  4. themba says:

    damn dis is a massive combination,dis song really does it for me.

  5. banda says:

    good videos and good combination

  6. Induna says:

    this is a bomb , whatya say man !

  7. Brian says:

    This song is wicked cyan get nuff ah it.cant fi anudda big tune from Salma

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